Friday, August 28, 2020

Patient Information Management System Documentation free essay sample

The product strategy followed in this undertaking incorporates the item situated approach and Iteration strategies. It begins with an underlying arranging and finishes with organization with the cyclic connections in the middle. The essential thought behind this strategy is to build up a framework through rehashed cycles (iterative) and in littler segments one after another (steady), permitting programming designers to exploit what was found out during advancement of prior parts or forms of the framework. We will utilize three certainty discovering procedures to locate the right data on the advancement of our framework. The strategies which were utilized by us include: * Interview One of the most significant methods of social occasion data are interviews ,the meeting basically is discussion to worker. * Document Sampling * Work Site Observation Significance of the Project The principle essentialness of this task to present the modernize framework for Felege HiwotReferal Hospital, which gives viable administrations for patients. The framework empowers clinics and specialists to all the more likely serve their patients, improve nature of patient consideration, lessening the time spent. We will compose a custom paper test on Quiet Information Management System Documentation or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Part Two: SYSTEM FEATURES 1. Existing System Description Emergency clinics right now utilize a manual framework for the administration and upkeep of basic data. The current framework requires various paper structures, with information stores spread all through clinic client data the executives foundation. Regularly data is fragmented, or doesn't observe the executives norms. Structures are frequently lost in travel between divisions requiring a thorough reviewing procedure to guarantee that no imperative data is lost. Different duplicates of a similar data exist in the medical clinic and may prompt irregularities in information in different information stores. 2. Proposed System Description The Hospital Customer Information Management System is intended for Any Hospital to supplant their current manual, paper based framework. The new framework is to control the general patient data. These administrations are to be given in a proficient, practical way, with the objective of diminishing time and assets use. 3. Explicit Requirements 3. 1 Tools and Material Requirement Software Requirement| purposes| Microsoft visual studio 2010 utilizing c# csharp| To effectively build up the framework | SQL server 2005/2008| For database designing| Notepad++| For altering code| Microsoft Visio| For framework structuring like social mapping, ER_diagram, substance, etc. | Crystal report software| To create report from the database| Table [ 1 ]. Programming Requirement Hardware Requirement| Purposes| Computers| For framework creates | Table [ 2 ]. Equipment Requirement 3. 1 User Requirements 3. 1. 1 Functional Requirements * Req1. The framework will include a patient. * Req3. The framework will look through a Patient. * Req4. The framework will produce quiet data report. * Req7. The framework will change a record. * Req8. The framework will permit new clients to make account. * Req9. The framework will demand persistent full data. * Req10. The framework will check login legitimacy. 3. 1. 2 Non Functional Requirements * The framework ought to be anything but difficult to use for the client. * The framework will be accessible work 24 hours. * The framework will be effective to full fill quiet needs. * The framework ought to be made sure about from any client. * The framework will recuperate from blunder inside a brief timeframe. * The framework will limit mistakes and clear blunder message must be shown that control client to deal with it. . 1. 3 System prerequisites R1. The framework ought to have a database to store information and data about the client. R1. 1. the framework will store information from the client. R1. 2. the framework will check the patient data that is finished or not. R1. 3. the framework watches that all data are entered. R1. 4. the frame work spares data about the client. R2. The framework ought to be prepared for the client to login on the framework by showing a login on interface. R2. 1. the client need to login. R2. 2. the framework shows the login structure interface for the client. R2. 3. the client presents his/her secret phrase and client name. R2. . the framework checks their secret word and client name. R2. 5. the framework shows a message if the client name or secret phrase not right. R2. 6. the framework login the client if client name and secret phrase is right. R4. The framework will have the option to look through all clients. R4. 1 the framework needs to look. R4. 2 the client enters the needed information. R5. The framework ought to forestall the information base administration framework from any an approved access. R6. The framework gives administration for the patients from nearby access where there is web get to. R7. The framework ought to have the option to show blunder message if clients missing some data. R8. The framework ought to add,search and refresh patients Analysis Models DFD Patient OPD Patient register Department Special Doctors Pharmacy Laboratory Patient Ok Operation Figure [ 1 ]. Information Flow Diagram Use case chart Figure 2. Use Case Diagram. Use Case Description. Use Case Id:| UC-001| Use Case Name| Patient Register | Use Case Description| around here use cases those Patients will heading off to the clinic and will be enlisted in the framework. | Actors:| Patient| Preconditions:| * List of acknowledged patients are enrolled to the enlistment structure. | Flow of Events:| 1. The Patient requests enrollment. . The secretary checks if patient’s name is in the rundown of enrollment structure. 3. The Patient presents every single required detail. 4. assistant approves all submitted subtleties. 1. quiet enlisted. 5. End use case| Alternate Flow:| 2. 1 patient subtleties isn't found in the framework 2. 2. 1 The assistant advises the patient that he/she can’t regist er. 2. 2. 2 The enlistment procedure ends. | Post condition| patients are enlisted to the framework and get administrations. | Goal| To enroll patients with proper information| Table [ 3 ]. Use Case Description. Use Case Id:| UC-002| Use Case Name:| Treat Patients| Use Case Description| This business use case is utilized to treat patients who are enrolled . The treatment depends on patient’s issue/illnesses level. | Actors:| * Doctor * OPD * Department| Preconditions:| * tolerant subtleties opposed in to the framework and checked. | Triggers:| * Notification letter from Zone| Flow of Events:| 1. OPD calls quiet who is enlisted. 2. OPD solicit the patient what sorts from indications he/she has. 3. On the off chance that the patient effectively rewarded, the OPD endorse the patient, else he/she send to one of the division as the patient kind. 4. The Doctor checks if the patient is under goes activity or endorse medication. 5. The patient perform activity. 6. The patient recommend medication. 7. The patient finishes treatment. 8. The utilization cased end. | Exceptions:| | Information Requirements:| | Assumptions:| | Table [ 4 ]. Use Case Description. Use case id| UC_003| Use case name| Check tolerant examination| Actor | Doctor| Description | Doctor confirms persistent sicknesses by utilizing ground-breaking instrument. | Precondition | Patients ought to be treated by Opd. | Basic course of action| 1) Doctors show understanding outcome moved from OPD 2) Check whether the instrument has or not. ) If the instrument have treat persistent. 4) Check understanding outcome. 5) Record result into framework. 6) The framework check the information is record effectively. 7) Send information into other division. 8) Check the information accurately. 9) The utilization case end. | Post condition| Patient data is checked. | Goal| To check Patient status is legitimate or not| Table [ 5 ]. Use Case Description Use case id| UC_004| Use case name| View report| Actor | Opd| Description | Allow chiefs to see the general day by day quiet enrolled. | Precondition | The framework ought to create report| Basic course of action| 1. Open the landing page 2. Enter username and secret phrase 3. The framework approves username and secret phrase 4. Opd View framework created report 5. The utilization case ends| Alternative course of action| A3. The framework Determine the entered username and secret word invalid. A4. The framework advises the Opd the username and secret phrase is invalid and prompts to leaseholder. | Post condition| The Opd see report. | Goal| To see opportune report of patient| Table [ 6 ]. Use Case Description Use Case Id:| UC-005| Use Case Name| Login| Use Case Description| around here use cases Doctors, secretary, every division will heading off to the created framework and will be login first to begin a few applications/administrations. Actors:| Doctors, secretary, department| Preconditions:| * Doctors, assistant, office are login to the framework structure. | Flow of Events:| 1. The Doctor ought to login first. 2. The Doctor checks whenever enrolled patients in the framework. 3. The Doctor distinguishes what sort of patients are enlisted. 4. The Doctor recognizes which office has a place with. 5. the patient goes to the office likewise. 6. the patient will treat . 7. End use case| Alternate Flow:| 2. 2 The specialist doesn’t login to the framework 2. 3. 3 The specialist doesn’t have client login account. 2. 3. The enrollment procedure ends. | Post condition| Doctors are login to the framework and they give fitting administrations for enrolled patients. | Goal| Doctors are make their login account so as to make the framework secure and afterward utilize that record to begin their work. | Use Case Id:| UC-006| Use Case Name| Record| Use Case Description| around here use cases assistant will going store every patient information to treat patients in a decent way. | Actors:| Receptionist| Preconditions:| Receptionists are login to the framework and gather understanding information at last store the record. Stream of Events:| 1. The assistant ought to login first. 2. The secretary checks whenever enlisted patients in the framework. 3. The secretary recognizes what type o

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Experimental economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exploratory financial matters - Essay Example Misfortune repugnance expresses that the inconvenience in losing an item is viewed as more noteworthy than the benefit of getting an article. The examination paper investigates the connection between blessing influence and business as usual inclination with misfortune revultion. Discoveries of the Article The scientists directed different examinations to build up the gift demonstration. An examination on a specific gathering of individuals included enrichment of either lottery tickets or cash. It was found in the examination that no one would energetically leave behind the lottery ticket for cash. It was accepted that in a market setting, the disparities between the Willingness to Pay (WTP) and Willingness to Acquire (WTA) would lessen. A progression of analyses were led to comprehend the gift influence. The main examination uncovered that the market clearing cost harmonized with the purpose of convergence of actuated interest and flexibly bends and exchange costs were low. Since the pay impacts are unimportant and exchange cost is low in this manner when market clearing happens objects are claimed by individuals who esteem it the most. The volume of exchange was low because of the value reservation of the purchasers and dealers and was credited to the absence of eagerness with respect to the proprietor to leave behind his having a place. Detachment bends are reversible and they don't converge. Within the sight of misfortune repugnance, the reversibility idea isn't pertinent. The essential effect of blessing doesn't lie in expanding the fascination towards the merchandise one possesses. Or maybe, it improves the agony in surrendering the great.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Bloomberg Essentials Online Training Program Essay Example for Free

Bloomberg Essentials Online Training Program Essay Hi, and welcome to the value meeting of the Bloomberg Essentials Online Training Program. My name is Rosie Genao, and the objective of this instructional meeting is to get you adjusted with our value usefulness so you can rapidly and effectively explore through the devices that will be indispensable for your every day venture investigation. I will begin with key news works that will keep you up-to-speed with features that can influence your speculation techniques, just as the values advertises overall. From that point, we will stroll through usefulness that will help you rapidly evaluate the patterns of the values markets. At long last, we will concentrate on how you can best utilize Bloomberg for speculation thought age and inside and out security examination. Our values assets completely incorporate the absolute best progressively information, news and research, giving you an unequaled degree of market information straightforwardness, dynamic screens, and ground-breaking examination. With these devices, you can dive into over 20 years of budget summaries, sell-side accord gauges, broad specialized investigation studies, and thought age apparatuses for a pool of in excess of 410,000 values (ph). As the Bloomberg Essentials news video diagrams, Ngo, which is situated in 15 organization news, is the principle news capacity and stage for continuous news from a huge number of sources, including Bloomberg. It has the most significant, generally mainstream, and latest news over any classification. This page will naturally refresh for the duration of the day so you can remain side by side of news that impacts the business sectors and your portfolio. For the value space, you can alter this page to show news explicit to the values showcases essentially by exploring to one side sidebar, which incorporates a variety of points and protections, and tapping on stocks. At the point when you click on stocks, you will see the correct hand side populate with the significant news for stocks in the Americas or anyplace over the world. When you click on stocks on the left hand side, you can choose this specific theme as your default essentially by tapping on 90 go to spare as default at the top. Notice additionally that you can utilize this equivalent sidebar on the left to click into different subjects, for example, innovation or highlighted news stories that we have on the terminal, for example, on European obligation. Likewise note that at whatever point you see a little B symbol close to any article, this implies this is a Bloomberg restrictive story, while the white features or shows that the story has been presented on the framework over the most recent 15 minutes. Another vital part of news usefulness is the capacity to dig for news and public statements that straightforwardly sway a specific speculation technique. You can run NSEgo at the exceptionally top, and you will see a drop-down menu show up which will permit you to choose the primary capacity, which is news search. NSE gives unparalleled granularity to area, district, or security-explicit news. NSE permits you to look through Bloomberg’s broad database of news by a straightforward word search. To make your hunt inside NSE as productive as could be expected under the circumstances, the capacity incorporates auto complete prescient content, which will come up when composing in your pursuit rules. For instance, let’s state we’re investigating a quest for IBM. If I somehow happened to type IBM, you will see that a whole posting will show up in the drop-down menu where the organization itself shows up first. As you type in your news search point, the capacity furnishes you with a rundown of pertinent outcomes which you at that point can result from. This spares you time in assembling material news look. I’d likewise prefer to call attention to that inside NSE, you have the alternative of running a premise or a propelled search, which you can choose at the top. With the propelled search, not exclusively would you be able to channel by catchphrases, yet you can likewise channel on whole ticket records, themes, individuals, among other. For instance, let’s make a custom news wire that tracks procuring news on organizations in India. I’ll start with the models of profit. Utilizing the golden hunt box at the highest point of the page, I’ll start by basically composing in the catchphrase itself, profit. Also, when I do that, once more, you’ll see that the subject itself shows up. At the point when you select on profit, the base piece of the screen will permit you to begin seeing a portion of the outcomes that are identified with income. I’ll return to my pursuit at the top and information India in light of the fact that I’d like to channel for income news inside India. What's more, when I do that, once more, as should be obvious, you’ll see India show up at the top. As you keep on including models, the outcomes will keep on refreshing at the base under see results. There are different ways on the terminal to discover what you need explicitly with news. There are pre-set news screens on the terminal that you can use to get stories as they are discharged inside a particular subject. For instance, obliging our case of profit, if you’re intrigued by news identified with income when all is said in done, you can run NI ERN. What's more, what that will do is select or pull up a looking over news screen of news just on income. These pre-set news screens, as you saw, start with NI and are spilling continuously. The news stories will show up and will streak as the accounts come in. As should be obvious, from here you can additionally refine the inquiry to meet your particular speculation examination measures. You can either tap on 97 activities at the top and alter the pursuit, or you can essentially include extra catchphrases in the restricted hunt box. Bloomberg likewise gives direct access to sell side and free research from more than 1,500 sources inside our examination internet searcher RSEgo. With RSEgo, you have ongoing conveyance of reports. That guarantees that you are getting the data when it is accessible. With RSE, you have the alternative of choosing news look into articles by class, area, or just all exploration that is accessible. In the upper left corner, you can likewise channel further. You can choose all examination or you can choose explicit channels in the †inside the drop-down menu that permits you to pick, for instance, between a value list or maybe a portfolio that you may as of now have stacked on the terminal. In the wake of investigating the manners by which you can keep up-to-speed with the news and research that influences both the wide markets and your speculations, I’d like to move into usefulness that will give you a strong handle of by and large market development and help you with venture examination. We’ll start with EVTS. EVTS is Bloomberg’s corporate occasion and transcript asset, following more than 100,000 occasions and translating more than 25,000 telephone calls a year. Inclusion incorporates income discharges, profit calls, deals results, investor gatherings, financial specialist meetings, MA calls, and other significant organization occasions. Inclusion additionally incorporates live translation of calls as they occur, revised PDF adaptations of the call, synopsis reports, and connections to webcasts and filed sound. At the highest point of the screen, you’ll have the option to redo various things. You’ll have the option to choose the source from which you need to pull in explicit organization related discharges. So for instance, you can tap on source, and let’s select a value record. For our model, we’ll select the SP, which is SPX. You’ll see that you can modify the information extend. You can choose it to now, next seven days, or you can modify further. Once you’re done altering, at the top you can press the go key and you will see a rundown populate at the base with the applicable occasion types relating to the source and the specific date go. While you can trade these occasions into your Outlook schedule essentially by clicking into any of these symbols on the extreme right segment, remember that you can likewise click into every occasion for connections to different examination, remembering pages for income investigation, basic information, look into reports, and friends news. When you select an occasion, which I’ve simply done, you can tap on investigation in the upper left corner to show and break down various †of related examinations that you can keep on running on that specific security. For our model, you can choose income examination. In this model, we chose the SP as our security survey. From that point, you’ll have the option to, contingent upon the tab that you are on, you can penetrate down further into every one of the areas involving the file. As you click into a specific area, you’re ready to bore down further for execution to not just perceive how the sub-segments are performing, yet additionally how the protections inside these sub-divisions are performing and how they associate to the general profit examination. You can survey on the terminal for venture thoughts by screening for stocks in these areas (ph) utilizing our value screening capacity, EQSgo. EQSgo is the Bloomberg values screening application that permits you to look for protections dependent on your characterized measures from a wide arrangement of basic information. The interface utilized for this instrument offers full straightforwardness at each progression of the screening procedure. You would now be able to distinguish venture thoughts with cutting edge investigative usefulness. Before we go into an example screen, I’d likewise prefer to call attention to that there are three fundamental tabs at the base. One, where you can fabricate and alter your screen, two, where you can get to the screens that you have just made and spared, and three, model screens where you can get to screens previously made by Bloomberg for clients like you. So let’s start with the 91 form/alter screen. For a snappy model, in the event that we need to scan for all organizations exchanging beneath their money and identicalness in the materials part, we can begin via looking for our segment by basically composing materials in the golden box in the page. As I type materi

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Detailed Notes on Kellogg Essay Samples in an Easy to Follow Manner

Detailed Notes on Kellogg Essay Samples in an Easy to Follow Manner New Ideas Into Kellogg Essay Samples Never Before Revealed Test date has to be within the last two decades. These tests will construct your confidence and your time management abilities. Practice tests are the best method to receive ready. Practice under an identical pressure and boost your confidence. Hearsay, Deception and Kellogg Essay Samples There's no need to submit them at the time once you first apply. Attempt to wrap your head around that Something shifted along the best way to IMPROVE you. You will have 20 seconds to think of the question and up to a minute to present your response. In terms of structure, 500 words isn't a lot of room, so it needs to be used wisely. You're going to be surrounded by writing professionals throughout the plan of order placement, and the moment you opt to purchase essay and pick an allocated writer, things will get even more exciting. If you're struggling to pinpoint your defining values, you might attempt to work backwards' when crafting this essay with an easy exercise. Be certain to save a duplicate of your essays, and preview the uploaded document to make sure that the formatting is preserved. Both have contexts where you are able to write about your private story. The best essays I've read have heart, aren't over-edited, and enable the applicant's personality emerge (even though you may not realize this is what you're doing). The questions are made to bring to life the person we've learned about on paper. After editing is done, your thoughts, voice, and style stay intact. There isn't a chance to re-do the response to the official video essay questions. It's in your very best interest that every letter gives new or different information regarding you. There are 3 questions. Utilizing similar examples in both questions may not supply the breadth we want. Please provide certain examples. The Kellogg Essay Samples Game Admitted students who opt to enroll will be asked to submit official SAT or ACT test scores before matriculation. It may be beneficial to know that we'll only review your application after we've received all application materials. Please provide any info you would love to improve your application you have not otherwise i ncluded. Locate a whole collection of waived applicants. Inappropriate coaching takes place when you allow other people to craft any portion of your application for you and, as a consequence, your application or self-presentation isn't authentic. After the question arises about the value of GPA in MBA Admissions process, then we'd say its an important aspect that you must keep a watch out for! If you are not able to receive one from an immediate supervisor, explain the reason in the extra section of the application. Use this section if you believe the individual reviewing your application might have a couple questions about at least one of your responses. Kellogg Essay Samples Features Mention a selection of activities to prove that you're indeed well-rounded. Instead, you wish to demonstrate valuable lessons learned. Don't be tricked by No word count. As an example, in the uk where most people today eat cereal regularly for their breakfast, Kellogg's should attempt persuading consumers to purchase their brand instead of a competit ors brand. It is possible to remain in a great safe college town whilst simultaneously being in a position to enjoy one of America's most diverse cities. You ought to be able to tell a very clear story about how you might promote the Kellogg community. If you know why it is you are at Kellogg, you're likely to understand the way you can benefit yourself and also ways to benefit the school. Kellogg's products has changed into a portion of the delicious mornings for the folks around the world since a century. Today nutrition is still the core of our business enterprise. Kellogg's believes that each and every morning ought to start with a nutritious breakfast. It is a very passionate company. The Upside to Kellogg Essay Samples The price is dependent upon the size and urgency. The visual inspection of the item or the experience of buying the product play an important part in the decision making of the consumer. Customer focus and retention is a potent strategic advantage that helps to grow the profitability of the business and to survive in the high competitive atmosphere. The significance of consumers and their value plays a significant role and cannot be neglected by the companies in the modern business world.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Anorexia and Bulimia - A Threat to Society Essay - 994 Words

In a society that discriminates against people, particularly women, who do not look slender, many people find they cannot - or think they cannot - meet societys standards through normal, healthy eating habits and often fall victim to eating disorders. Bulimia Nervosa, an example of an eating disorder that is characterized by a cycle of binge eating and purging, has become very common in our society. Although it generally affects women, men too are now coming to clinics with this kind of disease. This is not a new disorder. It can be brought on by a complex interplay of factors, which may include emotional, and personality disorders, family pressures, a possible genetic or biologic susceptibility, and a culture in which there is an†¦show more content†¦Over time, it can lead to death. This is the major disadvantage of bulimia—the health risk of every individual. However, some people do not know this disadvantage. They thought that bulimia is good and effective thatâ₠¬â„¢s why they will influence others. And because our world today is concerned about weight, non-bulimics are easily influenced just to meet the standards of the society. They will also try this kind of diet to be slim. The society will face a great disorder because of the bad effects of bulimia. Bulimia can have a bad impact on business. A healthy society is a wealthy nation. But because bulimia can destroy one’s health, people will have a difficulty in their jobs. Unhealthy persons cannot work productively and sufficiently. If this happens, it will result to the downfall of the business, which later on affects the economy of the country. This may be in a long-term effect but in due time this can happen. Lastly, the major affected is the family of the bulimic person. The emotional and financial problem they are undertaking makes it hard for them to go on with life. It is difficult for them to see a family member suffering from the bad effects of bulimia. In addition, bulimia is not just a physical problem but a psychological dilemma too. Treatment can be a combination of medical and psychological approaches. Treating a bulimic person can take a lot of time and money. It is a burden for the familyShow MoreRelatedEating Disorders And The Body Image1573 Words   |  7 Pagesbody image in hopes of receiving approval, love, and happiness. The need to maintain this perfect image is supported by society and the media with a mirage of messages that you can be happy if you obtain this perfect image. Society s ideals of what the human body should look like have caused numerous people to develop abnormal eating patterns in a contempt to conform and seek society s approval of their body image. An eating disorder is an ailment that causes severe imbalances to your diet habitsRead MoreAnorexia Bulimia: Why Are American Teens Starving Themselves?1533 Words   |  7 PagesAnorexia Bulimia: Why Are American Teens Starving Themselves? Dina Males Mr. James Wieber English 111 Image is very crucial for a teenager; the pressure of school and fitting in with there classmates and friends can be very difficult for a teenager. It is when a teenager starts taking image to the extreme and starts harming themselves by starving themselves. More and more teenagers are becoming anorexic and bulimic and it is not only affecting girls but boys are starting to come outRead MoreEating Disorders are a Mental Illness1431 Words   |  6 Pagesproductivity and relationships. The two most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia (Parks 8). Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height. A person with this disorder may have an intense fear of weight gain, even when they are underweight. They may diet or exercise too much or use other ways to lose weight. (Parks 22). Bulimia is an illness in which a person binges on food or has regular episodes ofRead MoreEating Disorders: Anorexi a and Bulimia1614 Words   |  6 PagesWhat do Anorexia and Bulimia have in common? They are both deadly eating disorders that can cause severe physical and mental health problems. Anorexia is an eating disorder of self- imposed starvation and a mental illness. In fact, anorexia has one of the highest death rates of any mental illness(Gerri FreidKramer, page 15). Bulimia is a mental eating disorder characterized by overeating followed by purging(Gerri Freid Kramer, page 21). People with bulimia are known for self induced vomitingRead MoreLifespan Development and Personality Paper1065 Words   |  5 PagesSubstance abuse is a major health threat. 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Some patients may not need such extensive hospitalization as long as they patient is not a threat to him or herself, however there are different levels to help determine what kind of setting to be treated that the patient is ready for. A patient is considered medically unstable if they have other existing medical problems like diabetes or if theyRead MoreMale Athletes With Bulimia Nervosa1347 Words   |  6 PagesAthletes with Bulimia Nervosa: â€Å"Dying† to Gain a Competitive Edge Over the last decade, we have become very familiar with eating disorders and its detrimental impact on young women’s physical and mental health. In particular, Schaal et al. reported eating disorders, notably bulimia nervosa, had â€Å"the highest prevalence†¦among male athletes †¦ in weight-class sports (i.e. wrestling, boxing)† (qtd. in Bratland-Sanda, Sundgot-Borgen 500). In this essay, I will draw upon current research on bulimia nervosaRead MoreOvercoming Anorexia Nervosa2103 Words   |  9 PagesBody dissatisfaction has become normative in today’s society, and we are seeing it emerge at younger and younger ages. Women and men alike surrounded by social influences that mandate thinness at every turn is becoming all too common. With distorted body perceptions being portrayed in such ways, it is no wonder that so many have fallen victim to the pressures of wanting to be thin. Portia de Rossi describes a moment in her book talking about the strugg le she faced with her eating disorder. Even

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Developing Yourself and Others - 2094 Words

Aims and Objectives: †¢ To analyse my own and one another member of my work team’s development needs and learning styles. †¢ How to meet these development needs †¢ Support mechanisms available and †¢ How the development needs can be monitored Introduction Self development is acquiring knowledge, discovering and improving skills. Identifying training required and acquiring it. Setting goals, planning for the future and keeping up to date with professional skills. This is led by yourself as opposed to employee development which is led by the employer. To be effective it should follow a set out plan. (BNet) †¢ Define the purpose or reason for development †¢ Identify the skills or areas that need development†¦show more content†¦I scored lower on the other 3 with a score of 8 for activist, 10 for theorist, 12 for pragmatist with a high of 14 points for reflector. Using the Skills Self-Assessment Audit questionnaire, I scored a grand total of 146. according to the scoring system, this means that I am quite confident in all skill areas and find it easy to apply my skills in a variety of situations. From the analysis of the results of my study skills audit I discovered that my strengths and weakness are as follows: Strengths: †¢ Team work †¢ Problem solving †¢ Information technology †¢ Communication writing Weaknesses: †¢ Personal effectiveness †¢ Numeracy †¢ Communication reading †¢ Communication oral To become a more balanced learner I will need to work harder on my weaknesses by for e.g.: †¢ Being clear about my objectives †¢ Defining what I need to achieve and set priorities †¢ Identifying what I need to do to achieve my objectives †¢ Estimate how long each activity will take †¢ Find out how to achieve it †¢ Consider a variety of strategies †¢ Plan my time and make sure to include time for self reflection and evaluation †¢ Take total responsibility for developing myself †¢ Request feedback from my manager and colleagues †¢ Regular review of my progress and performance by comparing feedback with my perception of my own performance Rita Simpson: Rita’s strongestShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Yourself and Others2555 Words   |  11 PagesDeveloping yourself and others Section 1: Know how to identify development needs 1.1 After using the VAK learning styles self-assessment questionnaire I discovered my learning style to be KINASESTHETIC meaning I learn more through physical experiences, such as touching, feeling, holding, doing and practical hands on experiences. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Privatization of the Public Hospitals Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Privatization of the Public Hospitals. Answer: Introduction The primary focus of the report is to analyze the situation that has risen due to the decision taken by the NSW Coalition Government who decided to privatize five major regional hospitals. The report furthers concentrates on the effects of the decision taken by the NSW government. The primary objective of the report is to study the objective of the situation, the variable perspectives, the attitudes towards the situation, and the ideological viewpoints of the issue, the scientific rigor of the situation and finally the report analysis the other evidences that has been provided by the media to influence the audience. It includes the evidences and processes that have been adopted by the media to convince the audience to go against the situation. In the end of the report, an effective suggestion has been provided which aims at the poor effects of the privatization of all the public hospitals. The objective of the article The prime objective of the article is to analyze the outcomes of the privatization of the public hospitals. The NSW coalition government took the decision of the privatizing five major public hospitals. The objective of the article is to prove that the privatization has caused grave effects in the end. Before taking such decision, they should have at least informed the NSWNMA. The selling off the public hospitals to the private ones has neglected many aspects. It did not bother about the staffs and the patients of the hospitals. The article contains the attitudes of the heads towards their staffs, which is completely undesirable (Fox 2013). They have turned off their heads from the responsibilities of the staffs and patients of the nursing home. The report includes the instances where it is mentioned that the privatization of the hospitals has always failed in the past in Australia. In the article, there are instances of the situation, which states the dire consequence, which was fac ed by the public hospitals, as they had to report their progress to the investors. They had to give them large business, as they had to give the investors satisfaction of their investment. This was a complicated process and it is not meant for the common people. The aim of the public hospital is to make the health care system affordable and feasible for the common people. The privatization of the government hospitals brought a change in the aim of the public hospitals. The article served the objective of the drawbacks that came forward with the privatization of the five major public hospitals, named Maitland, Wyoung, Goulburn, Shellharbour and Bowral (Tiemann and Schreygg 2012.). Balance of Perspectives The article consists of many perspectives. From the perspective of NSW coalition Government, they thought of their benefit and indulged themselves in the partnership with the private shareholders of the hospitals. Their decision has been highly demoralized by the General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Brett Holmes who claimed that they were not even informed of this. They were wrong from the perspective of the NSW Nurses and Midwives` Association (Barlow, Roehrich and Wright 2013). The media brought the grave fault that has been done by them by not concerning their decision with the public authorities. They gave no guarantee of jobs to their employees. They left their employees with a dark future. Treatment in private health centers has always remained a costly affair. The patients could not afford the treatment in the private hospitals. This was another problem raised by the media. At the end, the public organizations had to pay a huge amount to the private heads and the investors. The di re consequence was warned to the NSW Health Ministers. They paid no attention to the warning. However, the NSW should have taken into account certain perspectives to avoid these issues. They should have thought about the patients and the staffs before taking such initiative (Tang, et al. 2013). The public hospitals are set to offer proper medication to those who cannot afford costly medical facilities. Analyzing from this perspective the privatization of the governmental hospitals is not an advantageous approach (Roehrich, Lewis and George 2014). Attitude Privatization of Public Hospitals will cause severe problems and affect the staff directly. Patients will also suffer to a huge extent, as they have the risk of reduction in their proper and safe care. The NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) is selling off their hospitals and becoming privatized. They even have the agenda of turning more public hospitals in to private ones through partnerships. This is the loss of the governments accountability, as private hospitals are more involved in managing the money of the government (Cox and Procter 2016). Private operators have a duty towards their shareholders and thus, this gives rise to the financial responsibility in order to deliver profit over investment. Public hospitals are more concerned about their patients well being as compared to private hospitals. Moreover, the treatment becomes expensive when it comes to private hospitals, which further depends on their profitability, budget and determining what would be the staffing l evels (Blackman et al. 2015). Private firms are profit based; therefore, they wont keep on providing unprofitable services for a longer period of time. This could even lead to the lack of continuation, with some particular patients who may feel that their health providers have changed. Maintaining a continuity or consistency is particularly crucial or important for the older patients. It inspires confidence and trust as well. It can be simply maintained by the staffs knowing their patients name. Increase in the privatization is leading to the lack of continuity, which questions the customers satisfaction (Bundey 2014). This led to hard hitting campaigns against the privatization of the public hospitals, on behalf of the community and people. Privatized hospitals have a long history disappointment in Australia. They promise their patients to deliver cheaper and better services but fail to do so. They ask for money from the Government bodies as they cannot cope up with the expenses. Hence, the Governmental bodies h ave to pay the entire amount or take back the control. They may also have to pay huge compensation for underestimating the demands (Tiemann and Schreygg 2012). Ideological Viewpoints The NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) privatized their hospitals in five major regions, namely, Maitland, Goulburn, Bowral, Shellharbour and Wyong. This will directly impact the staffs, as they may not be given the positions they had before and moreover, they will have minimal alternatives in the new privatized hospitals. Patients also suffer the risk in reduction of their care and services (Krachler and Greer 2015). The General Secretary of the Hospital, Brett Holmes, stated that the people had the right to be informed about this drastic change. They should be informed regarding the governments decision of selling the public hospitals by stepping on partnerships with the private hospitals. According to him, this decision of the government is the worst one. He is not happy with the decision of privatization of public hospitals and considered it as sad news. He further confirms that more public hospitals are going to get privatized all across the state. He shared his concern regarding the patients care and services. Moreover, their safety is much dependent on budget, profitability and availability of staff members (Collyer, Harley and Short 2015). Staff members and local nurses are doomed as their future working conditions are dark. They are offered with only two years of employment guarantee and moreover, they have minimal opportunities of negotiating with the private operators. They were not even warned or informed about this drastic measure of privatization, beforehand. Their future prospects were discussed with even consulting them and blatantly ignoring their rights (Bundey 2014). The private operators have also mentioned that the permanent staffs of the organization will be provided with a stable position, but they didnt give guarantee about the temporary ones. Temporary workers had limited rights regarding this upsetting situation. Several hard hitting campaigns were being carried out by the workers, on behalf of the community, regarding the privatization. The organization will also continue to protest on their members behalf, opposing privatizations as well as to educate the society regarding the future and threats of the Public health care and services (Krachler and Greer 2015). Scientific Rigor The announcement of the NSW Coalition Government about the privatization of five key regional hospitals- Goulburn, Wyong, Maitland, Bowral and Shellharbour has left the NSW Nurses and Midwives Association in awe. Privatization of the hospitals will have a large impact on the public- private partnerships. The staff will be directly affected by this organizational change whose career will be at stake because there is no assurance of their job positions in the new hospital (Krachler and Greer 2015). Even if they are not assured any job guarantee, they will be left with limited options for working in the alternative areas. Since, the public hospitals in the mentioned areas left no loophole in taking care of the patients; therefore, there is a high scope that the patient care might be neglected in the new hospitals. With the privatization of the hospitals, there will be strict rules and regulations which will go against the common public and the employees of the hospitals. As it is given in the media release that the Government has an agenda to keep on privatizing more hospitals throughout the state, it can be stated that there lies accountability when private operators will handle government finance and will be responsible for offering profit on the investment (McIlroy 2017). The problem lies in privation because they cannot assure of the nurse-to-patient ratios as the patient safety is depended on the budget and profit margin. With the introduction of strict norms and policies, the non- eligible staff will not be given any position, thus the future of the nurses and midwives are dubious. Evidence- identified Approach In the given scenario of privatization of hospitals, the agenda setting approach of the mass media can be considered as the media signifies the public agenda in what the people think about a particular situation (McIlroy 2016). The press release on the privatization of the five important hospitals will make the readers think in a definite way and start judging the situation from a different angle. Reading about the news will lead the readers to put importance on the issue based on the given information. The response of the citizen and the officials about the issue has let the media set the agenda of the campaign (McCombs Shaw and Weaver 2014). The dependency theory will also be an effective approach based on the given evidence. As per the theory, there is an internal connection between the media, audience and the society at large. Most of the audience these days uses media to get the required information which make them dependent. The dependence relationship that is created between the media and the audience is beneficial for attaining the target goals by using the media power. The level of dependence of the audience is directly proportional to the individual, social stability and active audience. In the given situation, the media attracted the common people of the area by delivering the press release which will satisfy their needs of getting information about the surrounding (Jung 2017). This led the audience to develop an opinion and understanding based on the information given in the media release. Conclusion Therefore it can be analyzed from the assignment that the initiative towards privatization will affect the budgets as well as the working condition of many staffs at the cost of providing the best services for the patients. It is debated that there will be negative effect of privatization because it does not necessarily improve the efficiency. There is a risk that the private sector managers are reluctant about the strategies of profit- making and providing essential services unaffordable or unavailable for the majority of population. The history of failure of privatization of hospitals has led the members of NSWNMA to go for a protest campaign for the benefit of the common people. They will continue their protest against the privatization of hospitals to educate the community about its relevant threats to public health in future. References Barlow, J., Roehrich, J. and Wright, S., 2013. Europe sees mixed results from public-private partnerships for building and managing health care facilities and services.Health Affairs,32(1), pp.146-154. Blackman, I.R., Henderson, J.A., Willis, E.M. and Toffoli, L.P., 2015.After hours nurse staffing, work intensity and quality of care-missed care study: New South Wales public and private sectors. Final report to the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association. Flinders University. Bundey, F., 2014. Putting the co-payment in context: Australia's increasingly financialised system of healthcare.The Journal of Australian Political Economy, (73), p.58. Collyer, F., Harley, K. and Short, S., 2015. Money and markets in Australia's healthcare system. Sydney University Press. Cox, E. and Procter, K., 2016. Privatisation'undermines trust in governments'.Lamp, The,73(9), p.20. Fox, K.J. ed., 2013.Efficiency in the public sector(Vol. 1). Springer Science Business Media. Jung, J.Y., 2017. Media Dependency Theory.The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects. Krachler, N. and Greer, I., 2015. When does marketisation lead to privatisation? Profit-making in English health services after the 2012 Health and Social Care Act.Social Science Medicine,124, pp.215-223. Krachler, N. and Greer, I., 2015. When does marketisation lead to privatisation? Profit-making in English health services after the 2012 Health and Social Care Act.Social Science Medicine,124, pp.215-223. McCombs, M.E., Shaw, D.L. and Weaver, D.H., 2014. New directions in agenda-setting theory and research.Mass communication and society,17(6), pp.781-802. McIlroy, J., 2016. Unions rally to stop hospital privatisation.Green Left Weekly, (1112), p.4. McIlroy, J., 2017. Bowral and wyong hospitals remain in public hands.Green Left Weekly, (1145), p.8. Roehrich, J.K., Lewis, M.A. and George, G., 2014. Are publicprivate partnerships a healthy option? A systematic literature review.Social Science Medicine,113, pp.110-119. Tang, C., Zhang, Y., Chen, L. and Lin, Y., 2013. The growth of private hospitals and their health workforce in China: a comparison with public hospitals.Health policy and planning,29(1), pp.30-41. Tiemann, O. and Schreygg, J., 2012. Changes in hospital efficiency after privatization.Health care management science,15(4), pp.310-326. Tiemann, O. and Schreygg, J., 2012. Changes in hospital efficiency after privatization.Health care management science,15(4), pp.310-326.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Music and the Counterculture free essay sample

Even popular music groups in Saigon began to perform the latest rock hits. The fusion of American music with Vietnamese bands was exactly what the event was all about; peace, love, and rock n roll. There were American bands that were making popular music prior to 1 965 such as Bob Dylan, Joan Base, Janis Joplin, the Byrd, and others. These artists began to make music that protested the poor choices the government was making about handling the major events in America and the world. The Civil Rights Movement was still going on and tensions were rising.In 1 963, a major campaign was being held in Birmingham, Alabama where there were nonviolent protestors on one hand and police with clubs, fire hoses, and dogs on the other. Seeing these events, the movement really gained support from hose sympathetic to their cause. 5 However, this is just one example of police brutality on a harmless crowd. We will write a custom essay sample on Music and the Counterculture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Dylan wrote an album called, Times They Are a-changing in which he writes Of his political views concerning segregation and unjust acts of violence and murder against African American citizens. Violence was also increasing in the Vietnam War. Credence Clearwater Revival took a personal hit when lead singer, John Foggier and drummer, Doug Clifford were drafted into the military in 1966 (however, his time in the service inspired the song Fortunate Son that depicted the view of the draft, which was released in 1969). The Byrd covered a song in 1 965 that was written in 1962 by Pete Serge called Turn! Turn! Turn! The song talks about how there is a time and place for everything, including war and peace.The third verse portrays their view the best: a time of love, a time of hate/a time of war, a time of peace/a time you may embrace/a time to refrain from embracing. 7 A lot of people already shared this belief, but this song put it into music, spreading it to those who did not see things this way. Music began to expand and bloom starting in 1964. The British Invasion began when The Beetles came over from the UK, bringing Battlement with hem. They not only ushered in a new type of style for the world, in clothing, hairstyles, and music, they also brought with them the obsession and fan craze they experienced in the ASK.In the midst of Battlement, Deed Sullivan traveled to London and saw the craze firsthand in 1 963, before the Beetles came to the US. Upon his return to New York, Deed Sullivan set up a meeting with the manager for the Beetles to have them appear on the show, arranging three show appearances. 8 These appearances led to more public knowledge of the Beetles in the US, the beginning of Battlement in the US, and to the ginning of the British Invasion. A multitude of British bands followed the Beetles to the US; Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, the Who, the Zombies, the Kinks, Ten Years After, and so many more.Different styles were brought to America and brought out different genres in American bands as well. Jefferson Airplane, the Doors, the Grateful Dead, Jim Hendrix, and others began to develop a new style of music they called psychedelic rock or acid rock, named for the influence of drugs, especially acid, and the trip they took while listening to the music. Pink F-Lloyd became one of these bands s well. Led Zeppelin brought in a style ofharder rock, the Who brought in a new style of punk rock, in the late sixties, Black Sabbath brought metal to America.While many bands were bringing in a new genre, quite a few were conforming to popular American artists style. The Zombies and Ten Years After started making protest/hippie music, the Rolling Stones were performing songs that sounded like a mixture of a Led Zeppeli n-like sound and a Beetles-like sound. Some American bands took a stronger and hard rock type of sound to protest songs. Janis Joplin used her strong voice to bring rock edge to the psychedelic band Big Brother and the Holding Company.Credence Clearwater Revival, upon the return of their band mates, began to use the harder edge to rock to write about their experiences and their view on politics. So many different sounds and styles were being played around the US, it created a musical revolution. Then, in 1967, what seemed like the pinnacle of rock at the time, the Beetles released the album SST. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. It is said that Brian Wilson, bass-player and songwriter of the Beach Boys, heard the album and wept9 for he knew that the Beetles had won. It seemed as though the intensity in music was growing as the unrest in America was growing. There were so many men that were dodging the draft. Over 200,000 were accused of draft offenses. 10 Some men went out to burn their draft papers in public, others went underground or escaped to Canada. These protests of the draft spurred many to join the hippie movement. Many disapproved of their lifestyle of sex, drugs, and peace. Of course the hippies were always glad of chances to shock the bourgeoisie, which made them seem more depraved than they were. 1 1 All of this built up to what was called the Summer of Love in 1967. Unfortunately, the sharing of drugs and free love led to many disease related deaths. Hippies were easy targets for people, even though they had no material possessions. They became victims to muggings, rape, assaults, and even murder. By October of 1 967, the Summer of Love was over and many of the students returned to school. Although it wasnt that easy to kill the lifestyle and many people moved to communes where they could live this lifestyle forever.It seemed as though the hippie movement was dying down, but then the Et Offensive was enacted in 1 968 when the Viet Congo broke the ceasefire and ride to gain land. This broke out in a large battle into the war. Although this was a technical victory for the US (as the Viet Congo gained no territory in the attack), it was not viewed favorably by the public. National leaders had sold the war as everything but won, and this fight broke out, proving them wrong and worrying the nation. Even newscasters were shaken. Walter Coronate asked, What the hell is going on? Hough we were winning this war. 1 2 Other outlets of media also printed their distrust and distaste. This unrest filtered down into the public and soon Johnson was seen as a liar and a allure. Chants by students were filling his head: Hey, hey, LB], how many kids did you kill today? When Johnson announced he would not accept the nominations for a further term, people rejoiced thinking there would be an end to the bloodshed. However, that end would not come for years. The greatest culmination and example of the countercultures movement and music was the Woodstock Music festival in 1969.The festival had high hopes of congregating everyone in the nation who believed in peace to create a new society. After long debates with the city, the people around, security, etc. Everything was finally settled and the festival was to be held in Bethel, New York. Even before it began, it was a huge mess. Staff grew from 200 to 750 as emergency personnel flocked to the festival, water and food soon on short supply, the first band was hours late because of traffic, and there were at least 300 cases involving adverse drug reactions all of whom flocked toe the medical tents. 3 Despite this, drugs were considered a fundamental part of the Woodstock experience. By day 2, between 300,000 and 1. 5 million people were at the festival-14 Theres no way to tell for sure since the getting system was proven useless. Due to the lack of space, food, and water, everyone began sharing everything, including drugs and sexual partners. But rather than responding in jealousy, many just thought of this as the ending of the old world and the beginning of a new. Rain on the third day caused problems for performers, but seemed to just fuel the crowd more. Mel Lawrence, a Woodstock festival goers, said, the rain created something that nothing else couldve done. What it did was, it equalized everybody at that festival. Everybody was full of mud, everybody was wet, everybody was cold, everybody was together. Everybody experienced the same thing at the same time and had to make it work I thank the Lord for that rain. 1 5 After much delay, the final artist (Jim Hendrix, who was supposed to play the day before but was delayed), played on Monday morning to the few thousand that remained.When he finished, Woodstock was over. In retrospect, it was a fairly peaceful festival; there were only three deaths (one from heroin overdose, one from a burst appendix, and one from a tractor running over a man in his sleeping bag), there were 2 births, and no reported violence. Woodstock was viewed in two ways; as the peak Of the countercultures evolution that just furthered the knowledge that so many people had the same views as others, or a cultist following adjust wallowed in the cesspool created by drug-fueled hippies.After Woodstock, the movement lost some of the most influential artists such as Janis Joplin, Jim Hendrix, Jim Morrison, and the Beetles (who broke up). Nixon was now in office, but the war was far from over. As the sixties began to end, hippie seemed to be a dying breed, but there were still so me that thrived and protested through the seventies. Even today, there are still some hippies that live in the nation. The music of the enervation stayed and became an example for many, many bands to follow and also spurred the creation of other genres and sub-genres. It is impossible to imagine the ass in the United States without rock n roll. The music and now the lyrics were sometimes the backdrop but often the inspiration as well for love-ins, sit-ins, demonstrations, the destruction of draft cards, tuning in, turning on, and taking off. 16 The music of the sixties is characterized by the counterculture and vice versa. During one of the most controversial times in American history, music was there to help guide the nation through their feelings and thoughts. Bibliography Latherer, Glenn. All Shook Up: How Rock n Roll Changed America.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

rainbows essays

rainbows essays A rainbow is one of our atmospheres most exquisite and marvelous creations; "one of the most spectacular light shows observed on earth" (Ahrens, 1998). When a person views a rainbow, they are getting a personal light show that no other person can see as they do. Humphreys points out that: "Since the rainbow is a special distribution of colors (produced in a particular way) with reference to a definite point - the eye of the observer - and as no single distribution can be the same for two separate points, it follows that two observers do not, and cannot, see the same rainbow." (Humphreys, 1929). Of course, a camera lens will record an image of a rainbow which can then be seen my many people (Lynds, 1995). A rainbow is essentially made up of seven brilliant colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet; moreover, it is comprised of many coloration that the eyes cannot see. No painter can manufacture the colors of the rainbow, for they create color by mixing, but no mixing will give red, green, or purple. These are the colors of the rainbow, though between the red and the green an orange color is often seen (Aristotle, 350 BC). To understand how the awesome production of a rainbow occurs is a feat of physics and mathematics. The two most important ingredients are light and drops of water. The manner and position in which the light and water droplets transverse, and the reactions between the two, are complex formulas of nature. Additionally, certain circumstances make it possible for a rainbow to occur. You cannot have a rainbow without some source of light. It is possible to create an artificial rainbow utilizing artificial light, but for this paper, I will only use instances and circumstances of naturally occurring light which produce naturally occurring rainbows. The sun is natures primary source of rainbow creating light; however, occasionally, the light of the moon can produce a rainbow....

Monday, February 24, 2020

Terrorism Threat and Business Continuity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Terrorism Threat and Business Continuity - Essay Example Business stalled for some time. Many resources were used to re-stabilize the nation and start all over again. However, the main concern from the businessmen all over the globe who are faced with such challenges is whether their businesses will be affected in the event of such acts of terrorism befalling the nation in which they operate. The governments of the world today are tasked with the prerogative of ensuring that they maintain a state of stability in their nations. Billions of money are spent each year towards this effect. And the reason this is done is simple enough; without a state of stability, businesses fail and the economy crumbles. It, therefore, becomes a matter of paramount importance to curb the risk of terrorism if only to protect our own lives as well as sources of our livelihood. There are various ways in which governments of the world today have engaged themselves actively in the act of ensuring that they mitigate the threat posed by terrorists and in the process assure the business people of the guaranteed security for the continuity of their businesses (Crenshaw, 2000, p.405). On the same note, it is important to ensure that the measures are taken to curb terrorism also fall in line with the human rights concerns. People understand that lives could be lost in the process and as such, they ensur e that maximum precaution is taken to align themselves with the concerns of the human rights in a civil or democratic society. To this end, this paper seeks to take an in-depth look into some of these risks and the mitigation measures applied and how they have had an effect on the business continuity as well as on the human rights concerns. It will define what terrorism is, connect it to how it is a threat to business continuity as well as human beings and finally discuss the ways of mitigating this risk. Various scholars have come up with various definitions of terrorism that are all intertwined. Salazar, Rocco and Rio (2007, p. 327) state that terrorism is a deliberate and disastrous attack on key infrastructure in the world.  Ã‚  

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Emergence of Modern Political Ideologies Research Paper

Emergence of Modern Political Ideologies - Research Paper Example Karl Marx argues for the uprising of a group he calls the proletariat, which is essentially the working class, and which is against the factory owners, a group he calls the bourgeoisie. This group also consists of the industrialists and the landlords who, through regulations of both the prices of commodities and rent, continually oppressed the laborers. According to Marx, this problem was not one that was compatible with capitalism and that the only way it could be solved was through communism (Marx 14). Marx postulates that the bourgeoisie has exploited the proletariats in search of cheap labor that denies the country self-sufficiency. The bourgeoisie will then look for labor from other poorer countries so that they can lower production cost. The increased demand for raw materials in the foreign countries brings about industrialization in that country which in turn nurtures a breed of both the bourgeoisie and proletariat as the rich want to exploit the poor for profits (Marx 13). Li beralization This is a very common ideology that sprouted after the industrial revolution. It was supposedly about the enjoyment of individual freedom of every individual in the society and the fact that the minority were free to air their ideas without being coerced (Mill 6). They would be allowed to speak out of their thoughts, speech, and even take or participate in the action, as long as they brought no harm to other people. After industrialization, people engaged in numerous economic activities.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Impact Of The French Revolution Upon English Poets Essay Example for Free

The Impact Of The French Revolution Upon English Poets Essay The impact of the French Revolution upon English poets, and especially Wordsworth, is well known. Wordsworth’s Prelude , which was begun in 1798 appeared only after Wordsworth’s death, is an account not only of a poet’s coming of age, but also of his disillusionment with the radical political causes that propelled the unexpected violence following from the first revolutionary acts that culminated in the execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Writing The Prelude in 1798, Wordsworth expresses the ecstasy he and his contemporaries felt When Reason seemed the most to assert her rights / A prime enchanter to assist the work / Which then was going forward in her name . These hopes were dashed, when, as Wordsworth writes, revolutionaries now, become oppressors in their turn, / Frenchmen had changed a war of self-defense / For one of conquest, losing sight of all / Which they had struggled for. A year after Wordsworth began to write The Prelude, notes Simon Bainbridge: Coleridge [wrote] to his friend and fellow poet Wordsworth identifying the Revolution as the theme for the era’s definitive poem, writing . . . that I wish you would write a poem, in blank verse, addressed to those who, in consequence of the complete failure of the French Revolution, have thrown up all hopes of the amelioration of mankind. . . . It would do great good. It was, Bainbridge further notes, Coleridge’s urgings that informed Wordsworth’s examination of the Revolution’s impact in The Prelude and The Excursion . . . but poems on the events in France had begun to appear very quickly. The early period of the Revolution appeared to the English poets as the realization of a poetic ideal. When reflecting  in The Prelude on his visit to France in 1790, Wordsworth famously writes that the period was a time when Europe was rejoiced, / France standing on top of golden hours, / An d human nature seeming born again. It was in such millennial terms, writes Bainbridge, that many poets responded to events in the early years of the decade, understanding these events through biblical [eyes] . . . as the second coming of Christ, bringing about the end to the old world and the creation of a new one. Referencing M. H. Abrams influential essay, English Romanticism: The Spirit of the Age (1984), Bainbridge acknowledges that the increasingly violent disasters overtaking the revolutionary movement caused poets such as Coleridge, Southey, and Wordsworth to recast the notion of revolution, not as a political project to be enacted in reality, but as a personally transformative endeavor undertaken within the individual imagination . For the English poets writing at the turn of the century, Abrams states, hope is shifted from the history of mankind to the mind of a single individual, from militant external action to an imaginative act. Wordsworth actually lived in France during some of the most stirring scene of the new order .he became a convinced revolutionist and was eager to join the Girondists. (Sampson, 1975, p.476) William Wordsworth’s attitudes to the French Revolution underwent significant changes during his two visits to France. His differing views of the Revolution were motivated by the fact that that he visited revolutionary France in slightly different periods. Wordsworth visited France for the first time in 1790. At that time France celebrated the first anniversary of the fall of Bastille. During his first visit Wordsworth did not experience any significant political event of the period. On the other hand, during his second visit in 1791-92, the situation in France was quite different. Politics in France became quite complicated as several political fractions were fighting for power and influence. Revolutionary France was also in danger of invasion of Austrians and Prussians. Wordsworth was also still present in France during the first revolutionary massacres when the Jacobin Terror began. During the first visit to France in 1790, Wordsworth’s views of the Revolution were m ostly optimistic. Wordsworth’s predominantly  optimistic views of the Revolution were motivated by several factors. The basic motivation for visiting France was not to examine or observe political processes of the period. Wordsworth intended to experience the sublimity of the Alps. Wordsworth was then rather accidental observer of the situation in France and he did not examine political processes of the country very deeply. Wordsworth and his companion Robert Jones visited France in 1790, one year after the beginning of the Revolution, when the prospects for a successful issue of the Revolution were very bright. Wordsworth also visited mostly small towns and rural areas. He was not a witness to turbulent political meetings of the period, he did not experience revolutionary atmosphere in bigger towns. Wordsworth entered France at the first anniversary of the beginning of the Revolution. At that time the whole France celebrated the glorious beginning of the Revolution. Wordsworth was impressed by these festivities and the overall optimistic atmosphere. He praised the brotherly spirit of the French united during these festivities. As the basic motivation for the visit of France was to see the Alps, Wordsworth did not focus on the description of political situation and he mostly describes the scenery. Wordsworth also visited Switzerland, where he praised liberty of the people and the republican regime. During his visit to Switzerland he describes the country as a model to follow. In fact he projects his enthusiastic hopes about the Revolution in France into the Alpine republic. Wordsworth uses the political status of Switzerland to envisage his hopes for rebirth of the human race signaled by the French revolution. In Wordsworth’s description of Switzerland the description of the scenery often mingles with his revolutionary ideals. Wordsworth projects the freshness and purity of the Alpine landscape with freshness of revolutionary ideals. Wordsworth creates with his descriptions in The Prelude almost â€Å"pastoral† impression, when he associates the pure, untamed landscape with pure revolutionary ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity that cannot be â€Å"tamed† as well. During his first visit, Wordsworth saw France â€Å"standing on the top of golden hours†, as a symbol of a new era for mankind. It cannot be said that Wordsworth examined the situation in France very deeply. In the descriptions in The Prelude Wordsworth focused on the newly achieved liberty and equality of the French. He contrasts the new situation with that of the old regime which he associates with oppression  and inequality. He does not focus very much on contemporary political situation in France. In his descriptions he predominantly focuses on revolutionary festivities and brotherhood of the people. He is charmed by the basis ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity. It can be said that Wordsworth does not see the Rev olution as a political phenomenon, or he does not interpret it politically. On the contrary, he interprets it in a more abstract and idealistic way. The Revolution is a phenomenon when human nature, bound by inequality and oppression, is born again. He praises freedom and equality, but he does not speak about their practical use. Unlike during his second visit, he does not mention practical aspects of the Revolution. He does not speak about people’s participation on power ,he does not really have clear political vision of the Revolution. He is optimistic about the future of revolutionary France, on the other hand he speaks about the future on abstract level, his liberty and equality are not really political, but rather idealistic ,abstract concepts. He observes liberty and equality via the lens of revolutionary festivities. He does not speak about liberty in practice, in real life or in politics. Wordsworth in his descriptions focuses on liberty and equality as abstract concepts that unite the whole nation. During the second visit to France in 1791-1792, Wordsworth’s attitudes to the Revolution become more complicat ed, on the other hand it cannot be said that he became really disillusioned with the Revolution. One his motivations for the visit was to become more fluent in French, on the other hand he was also attracted by the spirit of the Revolution which he had experienced during his first visit. During the second visit to France Wordsworth had more opportunities to examine the situation in France more deeply. He observes that his new â€Å"urban† experience is different from the â€Å"rural† one of his first visit. He observes the situation in Paris and he finds out that the political scene in France is fragmented into numerous rival parties. As he experiences every-day life of the French and not revolutionary festivities of his first visit, he reveals that huge numbers of the French are not loyal to the Revolution at all. One can observe certain confusion in his views of the Revolution. On the one hand he remains loyal to the ideals of the Revolution, on the other hand he observes that political situation in France is no longer really optimistic or enthusiastic and the Revolution is not only liberty and  equality as abstract concepts, but it is predominantly real political struggle. During the second visit to France he fell in love with a young French lady A nnette Vallon. She gave birth to their child in 1792. Wordsworth had not chance to see his daughter or Annette since 1792 to 1802 because of the war between Britain and France. Wordsworth visited France briefly in 1802 when the war between the two countries was interrupted. It can be said that Wordsworth’s concern about his daughter in turbulent revolutionary France during the war in many respects affected his views of France and revolution. Wordsworth, being separated from his daughter, was concerned about her fate what made him belief in bright prospects of the Revolution. Wordsworth believed in an optimistic future of France and the Revolution and this belief or hope conditioned his enthusiastic support to the principles of the Revolution. In the years 1791-1792 Wordsworth also experienced his first disillusionment with the Revolution. Wordsworth mentions French soldiers’ unwillingness to fight and their anti-revolutionary, non-patriotic thinking. During the second visit to France Wordsworth also experiences that the situation in France might be even dangerous. Wordsworth fears possible invasion of Austrians to France, he is not sure that p atriots and supporters of the Revolution will be that numerous to oppose the invading forces. He is afraid of the fact that anti-revolutionary powers might join invading armies what would cause a terrible bloodshed. At this moment Wordsworth raises the question whether the revolutionary powers will not be overthrown. Wordsworth’s deep belief in the Revolution receives a serious blows and he observes that support to the Revolution is not as strong as he thought. Another important moment when Wordsworth experiences disillusionment with the Revolution, is the time of so called September Massacres, when furious mob killed numerous people in French towns. Wordsworth is frightened by these occasions and he realizes that Revolution is not only a â€Å"fight† for liberty and equality, but a real life-or-death struggle. It can be postulated that Wordsworth’s complicated attitudes to the Revolution during his second visit were conditioned by growing radicalization and violence in France. On the other hand it cannot be said that these episodes made Wordsworth hesita te about revolutionary ideas. Wordsworth left France in 1792 as an enthusiastic supporter of revolutionary ideas although he knew that the actual political situation in  France was not ideal. He observed that influence and power was being usurped by the radical political groups, such as radical left-wing party Jacobin Party and left-wing politician Maximilien Robespierre. Wordsworth believed that this usurpation of power and influence was in conflict with original revolutionary ideals. It can be said that during the second visit to France Wordsworth’s attitudes to the Revolution become more complex. Wordsworth do not focus on abstract notions of liberty and equality, on the other hand, it can be said that Wordsworth’s revolutionary thinking has now a clearly defined vision. He met a French soldier, Captain Michel Beaupuy who deeply influenced Wordsworth in his thinking. Under Beaupuy’s guidance Wordsworth realized that Revolution was not only a fight for abstract ideals, but also real political and social program. Wordsworth now encounters the idea of peoples’ participation on power, he believes that people should have to right to create their own laws. On the other hand, Wordsworth is not blind to facts, he observes that huge masses of people are blind to the great ideals of the Revolution and he knows that â€Å"some men are set apart for rule and honour by their virtues and knowledge† (Harper 163). In Wordsworth thinking appears a strong aspect of democracy as he stresses the fact that individuals who lead the country should be chosen for their virtues and knowledge and not for their noble origin. In Wordsworth’s thinking also appears a strong social aspect. He finds out that revolutionary ideas can be only empty abstract concepts when majority of people live in starvation and poverty. Revolution and its outcomes have clearly defined shape in Wordsworth’s thinking. In Wordsworth’s view, the Revolution is a great chance to improve peoples’ lives. Sampson, George. The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature,(London:Cambidge University Press, 1975).

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Phish: It’s More Than a Concert Essays -- Essays Papers

Phish: It’s More Than a Concert Phish has inherited the legacy of the Grateful Dead. A responsibility that includes: playing a different set every night, constant jamming and experimenting. Phish is trailed across the country by adoring fans that think their heroes can do no wrong. What makes them so special is that their music winds together. It is full of freedom and happiness. Their lyrics are totally original; they have this weird way of looking at the world and when they express this in their songs it takes you to a whole different level of thinking. Phish is one of the most amazing and unique bands that were ever founded. The music is a cross between bluegrass, folk and rock. The fans would pretty much do anything for this band, as they follow them around the country to different cities. In resemblance to the Grateful Dead (A Jam Band during the 70’s and 80’s), Phish puts on long shows with continuous jams. Each show being completely different from any of the other shows that they have performed drives fans to continue to follow this astonishing band. While each musician attended the University of Vermont, no one would have ever thought that this band would have made it huge. â€Å"Never thought I could make it this far, with a pain in my soul and a whole in my heart, never thought I could never thought I could but when the lights are turning round the wheels are flowing on the ground, the day I burn this whole place down when the circus comes to town† (Trey Anastasio). If one should ever go to a Phish concert you wouldn’t know what to expect because, every show is completely different. The peak of the band’s talent was around 1996 when not many people herd of them. They never made the â€Å"who’s on tour list† ... ...Maine. More than 80,000 fans show up to these events. These events are usually the cause of huge traffic jams and a three day party. People come from all over the world just to experience the sense of community, as well as the intriguing music. Phish presents fascinating, phenomenal music, loyal fans, and spectacular live shows. This band has been together for about 20 years and is still going strong. They have had their ups and downs but they are still together and that’s all that matters to their fans. â€Å"Fame can destroy what you set out to do and all that matters is that we are all still good friends† (Trey Anastasio). The best documentary about Phish is at a concert. I can not explain to you what they are about on paper. I can only give you hints. You need to experience it for yourself, because being at a Phish show is one of the happiest places on earth.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Salvador Dali Research Paper

Salvador Dali Salvador Dali was born on May 1 1, 1904 in Figurers, Spain. He was one of the most influential surrealist painters in the world and vowed not to be forgotten. He had a very eccentric personality that went along very well with his painting style. Salvador Dalais style of painting was so eccentric that he was expelled from the surrealist movement, but that did not stop him from painting. Salvador Dalais father was a middle class lawyer and was very strict with him. His mother was the exact opposite. She was the one who introduced him to art and all of his eccentricities.Salvador was a very intelligent child. He would often get angry with his parent's and cause trouble. Because of this, he was badly bullied in school, and by his father. His father was very disappointed in Salvador because of his eccentricities and would severely punish him often. The relationship between Salvador and his father was very poor because of the fact that they were constantly fighting over the love of his mother. Salvador had an older brother, also named Salvador, who died at an early age. His parent's once took him to his older brother's grave and told him that he as the reincarnation f his brother.Salvador began creating intricate drawings at an early age. Both of his parent's supported this talent, so they built him an art studio before he entered high school. Once his parent's realized how talented their son really was, they sent him to College De Herrmann Marimbas. He did not take anything he learned seriously and preferred to daydream instead of pay attention to what he was being taught. After graduating art school, Salvador father organized an art show of Salvador charcoal drawings. When Dali was 16, his mother died of breast cancer.Her death hurt Dali ND his father greatly, but when his father married his wife's sister, they grew even farther apart. Dali respected his aunt, but was very upset that his father would marry her. Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904 in Figurers, Spain. He was one of the most influential surrealist painters in the world and vowed not to be forgotten. He had a very eccentric personality that went along very well with his painting style. Salvador Dalais style of painting was so eccentric that he was expelled from the surrealist movement, but that did not stop him from painting.Salvador Dalais father as a middle class lawyer and was very strict with him. His mother was the exact opposite. She was the one who introduced him to art and all of his eccentricities. Salvador was a very intelligent child. He would often get angry with his parent's and cause trouble. Because of this, he was badly bullied in school, and by his father. His father was very disappointed in Salvador because of his eccentricities and would severely punish him often. The relationship between Salvador and his father was very poor because of the fact that they were constantly fighting over the love of his other.Salvador had an older brother, also n amed Salvador, who died at an early age. His parent's once took him to his older brother's grave and told him that he as the reincarnation of his brother. Salvador began creating intricate drawings at an early age. Both of his parent's supported this talent, so they built him an art studio before he entered high school. Once his parent's realized how talented their son really was, they sent him to College De Herrmann Marimbas. He did not take anything he learned seriously and preferred to daydream instead of pay attention to what he as being taught.After graduating art school, Salvador father organized an art show of Salvador charcoal drawings. When Dali was 16, his mother died of breast cancer. Her death hurt Dali and his father greatly, but when his father married his wife's sister, they grew even farther apart. Dali respected his aunt, but was very upset that his father would married her. Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904 in Figurers, Spain. He was one of the most influentia l surrealist painters in the world and vowed not to be forgotten. He had a very eccentric personality that went along ere well with his painting style.Salvador Dalais style of painting was so eccentric that he was expelled from the surrealist movement, but that did not stop him from painting. He is one of the greatest surrealists to ever have lived. His theory, the Paranoiac-critical method, is where he says he gets his ideas. He says that one can view the world in an irrational way causing transformations to happen. When one does this, they will be able to think differently. This is done by creating a double image in the mind and tricking it into seeing different, surreal images

Sunday, January 5, 2020

What are the benefits and drawbacks of legalising marijuana

Marijuana is the most extensively used illicit drug in the world, which is a controlled substance, and it is illegal to produce, use, and distribute in most countries. Despite this, marijuana has been legalised in some areas of Australia (Joffe Yancy, 2004). Consequently, the debate about legalising marijuana has been discussed over decades. Legalising marijuana not only has benefits but also drawbacks. Some believe that the drawbacks of marijuana outweigh the benefits, while others oppose this viewpoint. This essay will describe the advantages and disadvantages of the legalisation of marijuana. It will be divided into two sections: merits, which include medical usage and reducing the crime rate, and demerits, which include the†¦show more content†¦If marijuana is decriminalised, the price of marijuana will be declined, and people can purchase marijuana easily. Moreover, a survey shows that curiosity is the top reason for people using marijuana, which occupies 29.36% (Lee, Neighbors woods, 2007). That means the legalisation of marijuana permits more curious patients to take it. In addition, people can be addicted to marijuana. According to Lewis (2010), doing any behaviour over and over again is addiction. Thus, the number of people who have addiction in marijuana will grow, and people around the users may follow them taking marijuana, in particular, teenagers who can be easily influenced by peer. In fact Joffe and Yancy (2004, p. e636) point out that â€Å"if marijuana were legalised, restrictions on the sale and advertising of substance to young people would prove daunting†. The third reason for people using marijuana is conformity (16.4%). Therefore, the decriminalisation of marijuana may distribute marijuana more simply and quickly. To sum up, this essay has outlined the advantages and disadvantages of the legalisation of marijuana. Legalisation of marijuana can improve better for medicinal purposes, and the quantity of crime might be depleted by legalising marijuana. However, it can spread the consumption of marijuana, and have physically and mentally negative effects on users. Although marijuana can be used in medical field, the physical harm on users is serious. Consequently, the legalisation ofShow MoreRelatedLegalizing the Green Lady1767 Words   |  8 PagesMarijuana has been around for centuries and has been used for many things, such as the oil in the cannabis plant, which is high in protein and essential fatty acids, or the plant is dried and made into hemp, and hemp into baskets or bracelets. Other than protein and crafts, marijuana has long been used for recreational purposes. With the underground black market controlling the trade of marijuana, it poses more risks than legalizing it. Marijuana is hi ghly illegal in the United States, and the repercussions